Why is the ‘performance appraisal’ meeting rarely met with joy…these often serious, uncomfortable, artificial or perfunctory meetings? Seriously, we can do better! Make the performance conversation about fairness and clarity.…
Middle leaders need specific leadership skills
Our school middle leaders need support: from their peers, principals and the professional learning community. They’re our Heads of Departments, Heads of Curriculum, Deans of Studies, Heads of Special Education…
Less Heat, More Warmth
By Ian Luscombe, BehaveAbility.com.au I like stories. I particularly like true stories that have a sense of unreality about them, stories that leave the listener wondering whether they’ve been privy…
Acceptance of Change for Positive Growth
Throughout the year students, teachers and parents are faced with many challenges including new classes or topics, peers, colleagues, regulations and processes. Ringing in the hallway is a resounding “I…
Leadership: going beyond the superficial
In 1997, literary critic F R Leavis wrote that society tends to concentrate attention on the ‘convenient’ problems and so rejects the real solutions. You might agree the observation still…
Supporting our teachers and principals in 2016
As we start the new school year, we hope that many of our students, teachers and school leaders will be feeling refreshed and re-energised. Yet even though we are just…
Educating Students – Your Career is Your Business
Building careers into education is always a challenge with a dense curriculum and time-poor students and staff. In the current workforce, employment usually results from a combination of one or…
The future of learning
Can we use technology to advance children’s education? In August 2015, Mark Zuckerburg, co-founder and CEO of social networking site Facebook, claimed Facebook was exploring the use of mental telepathy…
Communicating for Results
Have you ever entered a meeting and suddenly felt uncomfortable? Perhaps your energy levels lowered, your mood sunk and your chest tightened. Maybe you felt a little wary, guarded or…
Are you a coach or a problem solver?
Recent research has highlighted parenting trends have moved beyond ‘helicopter’ and ‘lawn mower’ parenting, to what experts are calling ‘marshmallow’ parenting, a style of parenting resulting in low resilience levels…