Why is the ‘performance appraisal’ meeting rarely met with joy…these often serious, uncomfortable, artificial or perfunctory meetings? Seriously, we can do better!
Make the performance conversation about fairness and clarity.
That means co-developing and noting the scope and dimensions of the role and of relevant key observable measures of success.
Make it about recognition.
Recognise the person’s knowledge, skills, strengths and possible development needs, including stretch targets that offer challenge and growth. Be specific. Data always adds form and weight. Draw on available data and evidence to acquit performance against indices. If indices are non-existent, let this process bring them to life. Shedding further light, a sound ‘360’ option gathers the insights of others who may know and see more than you do.
Make it about support and encouragement.
Be clear about what you expect then ask: ‘How can I support you in your role?’ and ‘What do I need to know?’ Listen to any concerns. Respond with ‘I hear you’. Co-develop positive solutions where possible. Mentally commit to a more partnering approach by asking open questions more often: ‘What do you think/feel about…?’ It signals your support so you learn about the spot-fires before they erupt, and this gets everyone further, faster.
Agree the outcomes reached.
Commit to ‘being present’; be a visible, honest listener and coach working the continuous improvement loop. Be ‘light’ and inspiring, not heavy. Enjoy the rewards.
To find out more about communicating for results, visit: www.ownthegame.com.au
Dr Glenys Drew’s extensive research and practice has greatly benefitted the field of Organisational and Leadership Development in the education sector—delivering highly regarded organisational culture-building expertise through COACH, and previously at The University of Queensland and the Queensland University of Technology. Glenys is a recognised leader in facilitating empowering 360 feedback and growth processes for leaders, contributing 12 internationally refereed publications in this field.